Member Benefits & Dues

There are many great benefits for being a member of Lake LeAnn Property Owners Association.

Member Benefits

  • Private Lake Use
  • Lake and Weed Maintenance
  • Park Maintenance
  • Seaweed Pick Up Apr–Oct (must be brought to road)
  • Association Office for Dues Collection, Questions, Guidance and Information
  • Trained Office Staff
  • Membership Cards and Boat Decals
  • Goose Control

Member Dues & Assessments

Yearly Dues
  • LLPOA dues are $170 per lot.
  • LLPOA dues are due by March 1st of each year. Dues and assessments must be paid before you can receive boat stickers or enter the mooring lottery.
Water Quality Special Assessment (2020-24)
  • WQI Special Assessment is $275 per voting member.
  • WQI Special Assessment is due August 1st each year.

Payment Options

  1. Mail to the LLPOA Office.
  2. Stop by during business hours.
  3. Drop off in the drop slot on the front door of the LLPOA Office.
  4. Call the office to pay over the phone via debit/credit card or direct ACH from your bank.

(There is a 3.75% fee to use a debit/credit card and $3 fee to use direct ACH)